My Summer Playlist

Summer songs are my favorite!
let’s sing and have fun together!

Music is life.

That’s why our hearts have beats.

it’s almost the end of the summer. time flies, doesn’t it?

one of my Summer Bucket list options was to write a Summer Playlist and last few days I wrote 14 songs for this year’s playlist.

I just tried to pick the best songs that have summer vibes. so check them out and have some fun until the end of summer.

here we go!

1. Sangria Wine by Pharrell Williams & Camila Cabello

2. Love myself by Hailee Steinfeld

3. South of the border by Ed Sheeran

4. She loves control by Camila Cabello

5. Really don’t Care by Demi Lovato

6. Girls like you by Maroon 5

7. Havana by Camila Cabello

8. The way I am by Charlie Puth

9. Hey ma by Pitbull and Balvin

10. OMG by Camila Cabello

11. Is your love enough by Little Mix

12. Say my name by David Guetta

13. Shape of You by Ed Sheeran

14. Cool for the summer by Demi Lovato

I hope you would enjoy listening to these songs.

I’m sorry that I can’t give you a Spotify link. I don’t have an account.


let me know what you think!

do you have any song suggestion with summer vibe?

let me know!

I would love to listen to them!

love you love you!

hope you had a cool and fun summer!

see ya soon!


Behind every favorite song,

there is an untold story.

Things you need to know before writing a TIMETABLE!

Timetables are best for busy days!
Have you ever tried them out?

timetables are amazing life savers for busy days!

you can plan each hour or minute of your day and use the fullest of it.

so it’s great!

but writing timetables are not that easy. you have to remember every detail of your day and also you should be careful to make a realistic one.

so there is some stuff you need to know before starting to write down your timetable:

1. be flexible on changing the order

that’s right that you are planning your day, but you can’t predict everything so be flexible. sometimes some unexpectable stuff happens or even we just rather do those stuff on different times of the day. it’s okay to change it and make it more suitable for you.

2. make it personalized

when it comes to planning you have to always remember that your life and your mind and everything about you is special. so make it personalized as possible.

you can study better in the morning? afternoon? night? it’s your choice.

whatever goes better with you and makes you feel better.

3. pick some time as your free time

don’t make your plan so full that you don’t have time to do ANYTHING else.

sometimes you just feel like doing some stuff at the specific moment and they are not in your plan. so it’s okay. give yourself time and do whatever you want to do.

your dreams matter.

your time matters.

your goals matter.

but most importantly,

your health matters!

it’s good to push yourself but there is a thin line between healthy and unhealthy pushing.

if it challenges you, that’s great! it’s healthy.

if it bothers you and makes you not feel happy and okay, no! that’s unhealthy!

be careful about your mental health and take good care of it.

4. Don’t stress

it’s okay if your plan messed up. it’s normal. don’t waste your time on stressing over lost time. pick yourself up and continue the rest of the time that is left.

5. give yourself realistic rest times

REST! it’s important.

today I wrote a timetable and unfortunately, I forgot my tip and wrote an unrealistic plan without that much rest time which in the end I became so tired and slept the whole afternoon(which is okay. because you have to rest!) so remember that! even if you think you can do it in the morning, that’s because you have a lot of energy and you don’t feel tired at all. so you think you can do it pretty easily. but the moment you reach afternoon you can feel the tiredness and you don’t feel as motivated as you were in the morning.

don’t mess up with rest and sleep time.

because tiredness causes depression and depression causes a lot of bad things! ( if you are a student let me tell you, depression causes losing memories too.)

so give yourself enough sleep and rest time and have a healthy plan!

6. using the best times of the day

when is your perfect and most productive time of the day?

mine is morning. from 4 am to 12 pm. so I try my best to do most of my hard stuff in these hours and for the rest of the day I divide them into pieces and give myself break from each work after every hour.

for example, I study from 5 to 6 pm. since it’s not my productive time and usually I’m so tired at this time of the day so I give myself a break and do other things I need to do in the day and then I start studying from 7 to 8 pm again.

but it might not work for everyone. some people need to do all their stuff in a row and it’s completely okay!


7. plan like you love yourself

don’t forget about your favorite things. I know you might need to study for 8 hours but try to give yourself some time too.

you are your best friend. treat yourself right and accept your needs.

becoming successful is not all about hard work but it’s about self-acknowledgment and self-love. so use your potentials as best as possible and instead of blaming yourself for some weaknesses, try to recognize them and work with them. nobody is perfect! not even those big people you can name. the difference is that they accepted themselves and worked as they love themselves

8. give yourself some time

it takes some time to learn and make your best timetable.

start with a timetable you think might work and then keep update the changes on future timetables.

keep update the changes and recognize them.

9. try to avoid lost minutes as most as possible

I used to be so bad at this and at the same time my brother is a master at this!

when I wanted to go to a class at 8 am, I didn’t do anything from 7 am and all I used to do was to wait until 8 am to go to my class.

but my brother? he gets ready 10 minutes before leaving and won’t stop doing what he is doing until it’s time to go.

most of the time these lost minutes are the reason we don’t find enough time to rest. because we are stressing and keep thinking about doing stuff for the next hour and we don’t rest but also we don’t do anything worthy.

alright, that’s all I could think of right now!

if I remembered any other tips I would let ya know!!!

hope these tips were helpful.

do you have any tip?

let me know down below!

I love to know and try them!

love you, love you!


Ideas to have an Ideal Morning!

Start your beautiful day from Morning!
you are beautiful!
let your morning be too!

Wake up


be awesome!

mornings are my most favorite time of the days!

when I have good starting in the morning, I would have a good day as well.

mornings are important!


because they can choose your vibe for the day.

I love the vibe and the feelings of the morning. I even have a whole board on Pinterest about morning vibes! so you can tell how obsessed I am!

I can tell everyone has an ideal morning in their mind and some stuff in our life make us happier when we have them in the morning. like a good tea or breakfast!

everyone has different morning ideals so I’m writing some ideas and examples for everyone to look up into and pick their most favorite ones and have a nice, beautiful, lovely morning.

Let’s don’t hesitate any more and get to our ideas and start making an amazing morning!


this is a really necessary and at the same time common part of the morning.

NEVER skip your breakfast!

it’s important what you eat so be careful and pick your favorite and also healthy breakfast.

when my breakfast is healthy I feel much better. not only physically but also mentally. I feel like I have my life together(LOL).

when your body is on ease your mind is also on ease.

so don’t forget! breakfast!

you can also have some tasty drink next to your breakfast.

don’t forget to design your breakfast too. you don’t have to wait for a specific reason to celebrate your life. so design it and take pictures if you want too.

Books, Newspapers, Movies, Journals or None

I love to read a book while I’m eating my breakfast. some people like to read a newspaper and some like to watch a movie. well … some rather none! you can choose!

I’m a big fan of personalizing life and believe everyone has to have their style of living.

so take a look at your likes and pick whatever makes you happy!



I know that you know so HAHAHA no surprise!

I believe flowers are life! they massage to me every day that life is beautiful and everyone is beautiful in their way and you have to take some time to bloom!

the colorfulness of flowers make me happier and so calm, so there is no reason to not have them in my morning!

Bed or a beautiful View?

my chose? both!

but when a good view is not in access, well… bed is amazing too.

My room is not that big and I don’t like to eat on my desk so that’s why most of the times I eat on my bed(Shrug, Shrug).

but if you have a good view from your house then don’t lose the chance!

traveling? hell yeah!

views matter so much to me and I sleep at night imagining Pinterest pictures so don’t blame me, please!


Madam sun needs to wake you up and tells you today is another day!

I love sunshine spreading all over my room! especially when I’m eating breakfast.

I have read a lot of articles about how mentally good it is to have some sunshine in your house. so DO IT!


I like to make a beautiful view of my breakfast so I try my best to pick some cute dishes and every time I see something that could go so well, I buy it!

Candles scents

that scents! OOH LALA!

the warmth and aliveness!


having a romantic breakfast with yourself!



do I need to explain?

alright then.

that comfy feeling and being cozy while eating your beautiful breakfast. Yes! imagine it! you did? great! that’s it!

Treat yourself! you worth it!

you are beautiful and amazing and worthy as a star so don’t treat yourself with less.

you are cute.

and I love you!

wish you a lot of beautiful mornings with a lot of sunshine and amazing news!

love love love love!


One small positive thought

in the morning

Can change your



My Summer Bucket List

Let’s have fun for Summer!

Every hour deserves to

be happy…!

last day I really had the vibe of summer and I really wanted to do something with the smell of summer. so the best option at the moment was to write my own bucket list for summer.

if you remember from my last post, I have given you 12 ideas for summer and now I’ve found some more ideas from Pinterest and added them to my list.

I can tell my friends are already scared because they know I’m not a person with quiet and easy things when it comes to having fun.

I tried my best to add more stuff that I have never tried and some exciting things with the vibe of summer.

also, this notebook is my summer bucket list journal and I want to fill it with all the memories and pictures and other stuff from this summer. I’M SO EXCITED!

even though I’m in the middle of exam season but it won’t stop me from having a FUN summer!

I really can’t wait to do them all and have fun this summer.

FUN FACT: this notebook actually is a cookbook(LOL) but since I already have a cookbook and thought it’s just amazing for my bucket list so I decided to use it.

do you have a summer bucket list?

how many of stuff in my bucket list is in yours too?

have you started having fun this summer?



At the end of the day

your feet should be dirty,

your hair messy

and your eyes sparkling.


Let’s start our day with some delicious healthy breakfast!


breakfast is one of my most favorite meals of the day and the most important one. that’s why when it comes to breakfast I’m so picky and I can’t just eat anything.

since in my school days, I used to eat too much egg so recently I’ve been looking for some DELISH and HEALTHY breakfasts that suit me well and I will enjoy it.

a part of my ideal morning is to have healthy and delicious (also cute) breakfast. so I looked and tried multiple recipes. I have seen oatmeal before in a lot of lists for healthy breakfasts but previous recipes that I’ve been trying were not good and did not satisfy me at all.

but last month I found this recipe on Pinterest and BANG! I’m in love!

so here we go:



rolled oats


yup! that’s all!

How to make oatmeal?

cut bananas and add them to rolled oats with some milk. the more milk you add the juicier it would become( which I love).

let it cook until you find that soft oatmeal.

you can add salt but personally, I don’t like it that way.

you can add multiple stuff on top of it like:




chocolate( this one is my LOVE)

peanut butter

and whatever you feel like you want to try it with your oatmeal.

personalize it. it’s your beautiful, healthy and delicious breakfast after all.

I love sweet and warm breakfasts the most so this breakfast really suits me and makes me feel so good. it also feeds you enough until lunch and I don’t think you might need to even snack until lunch.


if you haven’t tried it yet, go on. you might love it.

obviously, one healthy breakfast and 6 unhealthy breakfast is much better than 7 unhealthy breakfasts.

who knows? you might even like it enough to switch it to 7 times a week! I hope this post was helpful and you enjoyed it.

love ya love ya!


How to survive a bad and hard day?

you hate bad days too when everything goes wrong?

I know some days are just not the day. that feeling when everything goes wrong or sometimes even one thing going wrong can absolutely ruin your day.

I can recommend you a survival kit ( which I would later!) but for today I want to give you some advice so you can keep them in your kit!

when your sink is overflowing, what would you do? well, obviously you won’t add more water.

I know it’s a weird example but listen to me!

sometimes we just have to stop and do not add more to it.

when something goes wrong in our life, stressing and keep regretting those things not only they would not save you from what happened but also make you feel worse and this might even lead you to mess up again and everything turns exhausting.

when you keep regretting or talking or thinking about what could go right, you will make the feeling get bigger and I’m telling this with self-experience.

what can you do instead?

1. take a deep breath.

2. try to smile!

3. say “It’s okay.”

4. focus on a solution.

5. try your best to see the good side about it.

6. love yourself.

it’s not impossible. trust me!

only less than one year ago, I was even worse. I remember I even cried over my bowl of soup when it broke down.

it needs time obviously but it’s not impossible.

I don’t like one night things because as faster they come into your life, they would fly away faster. so take your time on learning this life lesson and give yourself some time.

you would love the result!

when you take a deep breath you are calming the possible anger inside of you down!

when you try to smile, serotonin would be released and you would feel better.

when you say ” it’s okay!”, you are reminding yourself that it’s not breaking you down and you don’t need to be worry or stressed or angry about it.

then focus on finding a solution. when you are calmed down you can find a good sulotion. if it’s a tiny thing ( like a bowl of soup) try to find a solution right away. but it’s something big, you can take your time.

when you look for the good side about what happened you won’t feel unfortunate but instead, you would feel blessed because of what happened and in this case your day is not ruined at all!

and love yourself the most because of course if the same happens to your friend you won’t blame them. instead, you would calm them down and you would tell them it’s okay and there is no need to be sad over it. loving your self is the key to a lot of things so


let me give you an example:

you are drinking water in the morning.

you are cool and ready to start a good day.

suddenly the glass would fall and it would shatter into pieces.

what would you do?

you can get angry. think about thousand of things or even cry over your lost glass. with an angry mind clean your room and have a really bad day. since your angry, you might even make some more mistakes and BOMB! that’s over!

but also you can do otherwise.

you can take a deep breath and follow all six steps I wrote above.

love yourself and save your day.

you might make new mistakes through the day but ” It’s OKAY!”

we all make mistakes and I don’t really think you have to worry over it.

give yourself some peace and love.

take easy on yourself and treat yourself nicely.

I love you so much and please love yourself even more.

hope it had helped you.

I would love to hear your opinions and ideas and experiences.

love love love love


My Summer TBR

and a really LONG TBR!

I really can’t imagine a summer without books. books and a cold drink plus some good view, waaah! it’s my favorite.

even though this summer I’m all busy with finals but it doesn’t mean that books are going to go anywhere. they are here, in my heart.

so this summer I prepared a TBR list and I really hope I would be able to finish it.

it’s not a long list since I already know it would be hard for me to spend more time reading books but still, I picked some up and can’t wait to read them as soon as I can.

let’s start with the list, shall we?

1. Hollow City by Ransom Riggs

2. The Muse by Jessie Burton

3. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

4. A Torch against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

5. P.S. I love you by Cecelia Ahern

6. Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

YAY! that’s all for this summer.

but I can feel that this fall my TBR list would a really long one(LOL).

even writing their name and editing the pictures make me want to read them all immediately but NAH! we should study hon!

are any of these books in your summer TBR list too?

how many books do you have in your summer TBR list?

let me know!

if you haven’t decided yet, go on and write your own TBR list.

hope you have a summer full of good books!

now I have to go! the book I’m currently reading is winking at me and keep screaming! I HAVE TO GO!

love you love you!


Is it hard to Focus? try this!

I’ve got you!

focusing on a subject at a time and trying not to multitasking is a great way to save time.

as a person who has a lot of things to focus on, I always hear this question:

“how can you focus?”

well… I have one tiny trick that I want to share it with you guys.

Have a tiny paper with you

since I remember, this trick was life-saving for me.

you can have a paper with you and every time you feel distracted, write whatever you are thinking about in a word in that paper so you can think about it at its right time.

if you are afraid that the paper might distract you, you can keep it somewhere so can’t look at it unless you want to write something down. you can keep it upside down and leave it for your break times.

we always have amazing ideas at the wrong times.

especially when it comes to studying we always have a lot of brainstorms and COOL ideas and sometimes we are afraid to forget them so we keep thinking about them and before realizing, our time is gone and we haven’t done any progress.


write them down and keep them for the right moment.

this trick was also so helpful for my bored times. whenever I’m bored I just take a look at my paper and cross off some of the stuff in my list.

SEE?! it’s a time saver in lots of ways.

but remember! do not waste your time by keep looking at your list and thinking about it. you are keeping that list to save some time not wasting more!

if you keep yourself responsible about it, I’m sure it would be so life-saving.

YUP! that’s it!

I hope you have found this tiny trick helpful.

would you use it?

tell me your opinion!

love you so much!

– Sahel

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