What does anxiety feels like?

anxiety feels like you are in a really deep hole, drowning more and more in and you feel like you won’t survive.

waking up in the middle of the night having that weird feeling in your body and you know tonight is also one of those nights that you can’t sleep. so I decided to write this post about what actually anxiety feels like.

(unfortunately I didn’t have a photo for this post so here is some pictures of my beautiful flowers 😀 )

I’ve been struggling with anxiety for years now. I don’t know where it started but I know this past 3 years it got worse and better, just like a roller coaster.

having anxiety doesn’t always show from outside. it’s a really hard feeling you would have inside of your body and you feel like you can’t breathe.

the hardest thing to do when you have an anxiety attack is to calm down.

you feel like the whole world is crashing down and you can’t escape. sometimes it feels like you are stuck and you can’t break free.

it feels like it would never end and you gonna have that feeling forever.

it’s not okay at all but a person who is struggling with anxiety needs you to remind them that it’s okay because in that specific moment they forget it and the feeling that they are drowning down makes the anxiety worse.

you don’t need to calm them down. you just need to stay calm yourself and give them the peace they need.

they are not looking for any help from you but please stay by their side. they may feel so lonely. you don’t need to do anything unless they ask you for something.

don’t tell them it doesn’t matter or don’t think about it. I personally hate it when I have an anxiety attack and people just walk to me and telling me it doesn’t matter. it matters. because it hurts me.

most of the times they either don’t know what is wrong. so please don’t ask them about it.

having anxiety feels like your body is melting together and even air is so heavy. it feels like your own body is crashing down.

when anxiety attack happens sometimes it’s so hard to cry because they are not calm at all. if they calmed down and started crying just let them keep going. it helps them a lot.

having anxiety feels like you wanna throw up.

having anxiety feels like your chest might break down from your heartbeats and you feel like your throat is under so much pressure that you may not be able to breathe.

some nights you know you are so tired but you can’t even close your eyes. even when you hardly fall asleep you still might wake up from nightmares and not be able to sleep again.

having anxiety is not easy at all. it feels like you are in a really deep hole, drowning more and more in and you feel like you won’t survive. your brain gets block and it doesn’t matter what you are telling it. it won’t listen.

you just want to go to a safe place and stay there. somewhere that sometimes you don’t even know where it is.

make them feel safe. no matter if it’s just words or a really comfy blanket around them.

don’t try to get rid of them by solving their problem. they don’t want a solution they want calmness.

(I mean… look how beautiful they are! )

this post is kind of messy because it’s just a late night feeling.

I just felt the best way to make especially myself feel better was to write something about it and talk about it which definitely didn’t fail me. it worked.

thank you for reading this messy post.

recently I’m just stuck with my final exams so probably most of the posts would be about this exam days.

it would take almost 4 weeks.

so stay tuned.

love you and see you soon in my next post.

heart heart

– Sahel

12 fun things to do this summer!

It’s Summer!
looking for some ideas to do this summer?
here you go!

when I was younger I always had a bucket list for my summer.
writing all my favorite things down and waiting for the final exams to be done was so fun even though I never finished my bucket lists but still, the feeling of writing it down was so fun.
this year I want to write a summer bucket list again and I will update you about how it is going.
though in this post I want to give you 12 ideas to add to your bucket list.
if you ask me I would tell you writing a bucket list itself can be count but let’s assume you already want to do that and some ideas are what you are looking for here.
so here we go:

1.plant something:
planting is so fun and when is a better time than summer? you can pick up multiple ideas for planting and grow your little plants at home. that’s my favorite one.

2.learn something new:
learning is never bad and since I’m the learning-obsess person I know you could guess this would be on the list but seriously, why not?
I recommend you trying some new sports or anything you haven’t done before.
or you can start something over again. that’s fun too if you miss it.

3.write a story or novel:
no need to take it so serious. just write anything you want. imagination is always fun. living in another world and creating it is so cool. it’s so relaxing.

4.try making new desserts :
CAKES!!! and a lot of other desserts! you can try making healthy snacks even … I think that would be even better but unhealthy … well, it wouldn’t hurt to make some once a while right?

5. make a craft :
there is a bunch of DIY videos everywhere so why not try some of them? you can try home decors or anything else that you want. looking at( and using) what you made is so satisfying. I know you liked to do it when you were younger so let’s become little kids again!!

6. attend a new class:
not only learning a new thing but also meeting new people and having different vibes. moving from house to have fun and doing different things. it’s great to change your place, it always gives you motivation and makes you feel better.

7. learn a new healthy habit:
learning a habit takes time and summer is the best time!
is there a new habit you wanted to add to your life?
that’s the best time. you can start slowly and learn each one of your ideal habits one by one! you would feel so happy when you realize how much you changed at the end of summer.

8. start a journal:
start a summer journal and update it with stuff you have done in this summer. not only it feels good to look at it later but also it will push you to have a lot of fun this summer.

9.donate old clothes:
moving on from old things that do not suit you anymore is always necessary. use some organization methods on the internet and donate what you know you don’t need anymore. I’m sure someone else would need it more. when you slowly let go of things that do not make you happy anymore ( or doesn’t suit you) you would learn to keep and let go important stuff in life too. so, in the end, you will free some spaces for the right things in your life( not only your closet)

10.do a big difficult puzzle:
this one is so fun! you can do it with your friends or family or even alone at home. in any case, it’s fun! you can even glue them together and make a board of what you made.

11. have a movie night:
order your favorite food and buy your favorite snacks. stay all night to watch a lot of movies until morning. I really love this one! I think it’s cozy and fun at the same time.

12. 24 hours readathon
YES! read as much as you can in 24 hours. if you have a really long TBR list like me then that’s amazing for you! you can also try it with your friends and see who can read more!
or you can pick up a book with your friends and read it at the same time so you can talk about it a lot!

here we go! that was my ideas for this summer. even though there is a lot of more ideas that you can try this summer but these were my ideas that I would add to my bucket list.
I’m going to write my own bucket list soon and I would show it to you guys too!
write your own bucket list and show it to me!
you can find me on Instagram! don’t forget to tag me!
love you so much and I hope you a really nice and fun summer

My Instagram

love you!


My Experience With Meditation!

Have you ever tried Meditation?

let’s talk about meditation, shall we?

recently I started meditation (about two week ago) and I can tell I’m in love with it!

before then every time I’ve been hearing about meditation I really couldn’t say it’s my thing but now I’m telling you IT’S MY THING!

I’m a person with lots of stress just walk through my brain. even though I can say I can easily focus when I want to get something done but I hardly can focus on my current moment.

it sometimes goes from future to my to-do lists to past to everywhere other than my current moment.

I really want to talk more about meditation in my blog (and I would) but I don’t want to make my blog posts so long so let’s say this for now:

meditation helped me to focus on current life the most!

this morning I woke up, ate breakfast and write some blog posts while I was 90% focused on the current moment and I was not thinking or worrying about my exams or everything that is going to happen in future (isn’t it the key of happiness and calmness?)

I recommend you to try it! at least once!

you would feel the good feeling after at least 5 minutes of meditation running in your body and mind.

I’m a beginner too so, unfortunately, I can’t give you a proper guide but I’m sure you can find a lot of them on the internet so go and check them out!

Have you ever tried it? what do you think about it? tell me in the comments.

love you!


10 Facts about me!

His name is Dazai Osamu from Bungo stray dogs. I love him so so much.(isn’t he so cute?)

Hello again sweeties!
pre-writing blog posts are not only so fun but make me feel so comfortable to write.
feels like I’m writing to a good friend!
so YAY!
this post is ,as you can see from the title, about 10 facts about me! ( I told you from the previous post that you are going to learn a lot about me.)
I’m not still sure what these 10 facts are going to be about but I will try my best to write the fun ones!
let’s start the facts!

1.I love soup
huh! that was the first fact I could tell about myself.
I don’t care if people say soup is not a proper meal but I don’t mind eating soup for my entire life(especially my aunt’s soups)
(I wanna tell you a secret so come a little closer.) my dream is to put up a soup festival to show the best soups in the world and don’t ask me why.
Yes! that was my first fact!
tell me in the comments what is your favorite food. ( I love fried chicken too (a lot) but I don’t wanna talk about that. let’s save it for another post.)

2. One of my most favorite singer and celebrities is Camila Cabello
I love her so much and every time I listen to her songs I feel a really strong connection that makes me want to cry! (I cry. a lot)
if you follow my Instagram you would see how much I mention this fact so …

3.I don’t have a favorite color
if you take a look at my room and my stuff you can easily tell I don’t have a favorite color. I love all colors and it’s so hard for me to pick up a particular color and go with it.
so yeah! you can tell I love all colors.

4.I love photography
I started taking pictures almost 3 years ago and I’m so happy about it.
I will write an entire post about my love toward photography and Instagraming so stay tuned!

5.I play piano
not professionally but recently I’m playing more often to learn more and more. I start playing piano about 5 or 6 years ago but after a while, I gave up playing and didn’t play that much. but now I’m back to it and I can’t stop playing!

6.I love learning languages
learning languages is one of my favorite hobbies. I learned English over time and now I’m working on my Korean.

7.music makes me sleepy (kind of)

my mom says when I was a little baby I wouldn’t sleep unless there was music playing around.

even now after years when I listen to music ( any kind of music! I’m not talking about relaxing ones!) I would feel sleepy . ( maybe because it makes me so relaxed)

8.I have a younger brother

He’s 11 years old and he loves video games. ( sometimes I spend 1 hour or more to listen to his Furtnite stories.) I love him so much and we don’t fight that much. he’s so nice and I don’t know how much more should I talk about that!


my favorite season of the year is WINTER!

I love winter so much. I love the coziness and warm drinks. I love warm clothes too! and the cold weather, the colorfulness that comes next to the whiteness of winter. rains, snows, clouds are my favorite! I really can’t wait for winter to come back! I want to plan a really good winter time this year!


I have done taekwondo for (i don’t know) 6 years? (or maybe more) and I have a black belt dan two.

I have done swimming and now currently I’m doing volleyball and I’m really enjoying it.


Here we go with 10 facts!

actually, my goal was 20 facts but when I start writing these facts I realized how hard it is.

so yes! I cheated!

but still writing these 10 facts was so fun and I’m so happy to be able to finish it.

I can’t wait to finally write my next post.

tell me what you wanna see for next posts in the comment section(of every post)!

love you so so so so so much!

see you soon!

bye bye!


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.

This morning I woke up with a feeling to do something exciting and thought ” why not start a blog? “

So here I am writing my first post and

Also discovering what is like to do blogging and finding new stuffs about it.( it’s fun! )


Let’s start the introduction!

I’m Sahel Arzani.

I’m 18.

I will be graduated soon!

I love reading books!

I love music(who doesn’t)

I love watching movies (well…)

I love studying(weird? I know)

I love exercising and working out ( I love all sports so don’t ask me to choose)

I love …

Yes! I love a lot of things.

But if you ask me what is my favorite thing above everything …

I would tell you about LIVING!

I’m sure you can guess what this blog would be based on.

Is there anything more to say?

Not sure…

But I’m sure you will learn a lot about me soon!

I’m so excited to post about a lot of things! ( I already have a bunch of ideas that I can’t wait to share with you!)

By the way, I have an Instagram account so make sure to check it out. love you again!


Please support me! I love you so much!

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