10 amazing habits to create for your life in quarantined

Don’t waste your time in quarantine and create amazing habits in your life.

10 amazing habits to create for your life in quarantined.

Are you stuck in your house because of coronavirus? I know you hate it too, to be in the house for days or maybe even week and not sure what you should do. 

as months ago, a weird virus has been leaving effects on people all over the world and had so many victims, cities and countries have been quarantined to control the whole situation. So I want you to stay at home as well. 

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I know, I know. It’s hard to spend hours and days at home. it’s super boring. you are tired of keep watching NetFlix and scrolling through Instagram. you want something cool. you want to be productive again. my brother, someone who hates school keeps saying that he misses school and wants to go back there. it’s the same for all of us. we want to get back to our lives and we hate the fact that we are wasting days of our lives because of a stupid virus while staying at home and doing nothing! well, we can’t do anything but to use most of our time. we can be smart and show that:

“nope! no siren! not today!” 

that’s why I brought you this post so you can use your time productive and count it as a glow-up journey. you can get back to your life after quarantine but not as the same person. you are going to continue your life, safe and healthy with amazing habits that would lead you to a better life. 

“Sounds COOL!”

yes! I have 10 habits that you should add to your life in these days. it’s easier to do them now since we can focus on them without any excuse.

not sure yet?

then let me tell you about the benefits of creating new habits.

each habit that we want to add to our lives has a specific benefit for us. but most of all, they are good for our health, work, productivity and soul. we want to create these habits in our lives because who doesn’t want a better life? most of these habits are small activities we want to do daily but we “forget”. 

creating habits is not easy. they need focus and discipline.


you might be busy in your regular daily life that each time you want to create a habit, you forget it. now it’s the time to go for it! you are home, you have plenty of time and focus to put on your favorite habits. 

grab a journal or even paper and start your journey on creating your favorite habits. you can use your phone too. there are plenty of useful apps that help you create your favorite habit. 

I’m going to introduce some of these habits. pick the ones that you feel you need to add to your life the most and lack it in your life. don’t pick more than 3 habits or you’ll be too tired that you won’t follow any of them. pick wisely and put your energy on it.

Here are my suggestion for habits that you can try today!

  1. drinking 8 glass of water: how many times have you heard about it? a lot? I know. are you drinking 8 glasses of water every day? if yes, then you probably do not need this habit because you already have it in your life. but if it’s no, then it’s the best time. I’m not sure what is more important than drinking enough water. water is one of the most essential parts of our life and without it… we DIE! especially now that there are warnings of coronavirus everywhere, you have to drink enough water to stay away from it. highly recommend this habit to be in your life.
  2. eating more healthy: recently we don’t eat out more often. It’s dangerous and it’s better to eat homemade cooks.now that coronavirus is not letting us order takeaways, it’s the best to practice eating homemade healthy foods. You can practice packing too so after you got to get back to work or school, you can bring your food with you. Now that you have some free time at home try and cook different recipes. Find some good recipes online and try them for different meals. It’s the best time to create this habit.
  3. workout every day: I know you can’t go to the gym anymore but it doesn’t mean that you can’t workout at home. Now that you are at home, find some workouts with no equipment from the Internet and spend at least 10 to 15 minutes of your day on that. You can try yoga, stretching and so many other things. We don’t have enough movements recently since we can’t move from our house and we are just in one place, sitting or sleeping. It’s not good for your body at all. After practicing with 15 minutes daily, your body will be ready to start more exercises so you won’t feel super exhausted after the first day of the gym.
  4. practicing meditation: recently what I see the most between people are stress and fear. It’s natural to be stressed in situations like this but remember that stress would ruin your body system and weaken it. Try meditation daily. Start from 2 minutes and increase the time every day. Be more mindful and attract more positivity in your life. It should be a “must” these days. If you start it now and create this habit in your life, you can continue and keep it even after a coronavirus situation and be even more relaxed in your life.
  5. track your finances: now that you are sitting and watching NetFlix, why don’t you create a tracker for your finances? Sometimes starting something is the hardest part. For this habit probably the fact that you have to sit and make a list should be scary and you won’t have enough time to do that. Now you do. You have plenty of time. Use it wisely. Pick your pen and start researching. 
  6. learn something daily: we should never stop educating ourselves. Learning and educating help us to make better decisions in life. Find some online courses and start learning. It’s the best time to learn something new. That’s what I’m telling all of my friends. If you are bored then stay educated. Are you a student? Then start studying. You are not? Then think about something you always wanted to learn and start it right now! 
  7. develop a routine: routines are a pack of habits. When you create a routine, you are creating a few habits together. Pick one of your routines that you normally struggle with a lot. I hate my night routine, I rather spend it peacefully and relax so I can sleep easier but I always end up studying, working or watching TV so when it’s time to sleep I’m so stressed and full of energy that it takes me 2 or 3 hours to finally sleep. I should change it and create a better nighttime routine. I should add more relaxing activities to it and stop working at least 3 hours before sleep. Which routine you have the most problem with? check my two posts on developing morning routine ( ideas to have an Ideal morning routine , you can have luxury morning too! this is how)
  8. read more: this one is not for you if you are a bookworm like me but if you are not, then stay right here! There are thousands of reasons why you should read more often. I can guess that you have so many unread books on your shelf. It’s not only about making a habit. You can look at it as an activity and read some novels. Are there any books that you have been hearing about a lot but you couldn’t read yet? I’m sure there is. Go and read it now.  
  9. recycle your trash: huh! You can’t tell me you are too busy to recycle your trash anymore! All you need is three garbage bags with paper names on them. It’s the best time to learn and teach your kids to recycle. Spend some quality time with your family and educate your kids. Now that the earth is suffering from human decisions a lot, try to save it by making small actions and educating a better generation.
  10. limit your screen time: don’t look at me like that. Now that you are spending most of your time at home and you are using your phone the most, you have to learn to control it. We don’t want you to leave your house with damaged eyes and brains. Learn how to stop and spend some time without any kind of screen. You can combine it with your reading more habit. As you stop using any screen, you can read some book or you can cook. There are so many fun activities you can have without using any screen. Spend some time with your family and teach them to stop using phones and TV the most too.

take a look at your new year resolutions.

If you are still like: nope! I’m good without any of these! Then let me guide you to your new year resolution. Tell me. How many percent of these resolutions was successful?


it’s time for you to make it 100%!

review your goals and take steps towards them. You’ll thank yourself later and for sure, you are not going to have some wasted time sitting at home and finishing 100 episodes of series.

think about things you always wanted to do but procrastinated

However, it might not be your new year resolution but there might be some tasks that you have been procrastinating for the past few weeks. Cleaning your phone, empty your computer’s space or cleaning the house could be one of the things that you wanted to do but forgot. Now it’s your time. 

take more time for self-love and self-care

Use your time to take care of yourself. I know that you had so much stress at work and you had to work super hard. Now that you have the chance, try to spend it one self-care.

Give yourself some time and show yourself some love.

Take a nice bath and do things that you always wanted to do but didn’t have time. Start a gratitude list and count your blessings. 

rest but also challenge yourself

You might be like:

“should I rest or should I challenge myself? “

Well, I’m telling you to do both. I want you to rest but at the same time challenge yourself.

When you are finished, you are good to lay back and relax and enjoy the rest of your day. Try to be better but don’t stress over it. 

try some challenges in the internet

If you are still bored, then try some weekly or even monthly challenges. You can find so many kinds of workout, happiness or decluttering challenges online that I’m sure can be so fun to do. Ask your friends to do them with you. If they agree then it would create an amazing time even though you can’t meet your friends in person.

don’t be afraid but be careful about Coronavirus

Last but not least, let me talk a little bit about coronavirus. It’s dangerous and it’s sad but you can’t change things by being sad and stressed. Take a deep breath and live. Stress can be your biggest enemy at the moment. Stay strong, safe and healthy and don’t lose to this bad guy!

protect yourself and stay safe.

I love you so much!


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how to create the perfect barbie bedroom with 10 unique ideas?

How to Create the Perfect Barbie Bedroom with 10 unique Ideas?

When we were kids and used to watch barbie animations we always wondered if we could live in their houses. these days, Barbie is not animation but it is a style. that’s why today I’m going to show you 10 furniture that creates the barbie style in your bedroom.

What is Barbie decoration?

barbie bedroom decoration ideas

barbie decoration is a style that comes from barbie animations. they are mostly inspired by barbie patterns, colors, and lifestyle and have fans between so many kids and teenagers from all over the world. however, their fans are not only between kids but there are so many barbie fans between adults and I’m sure so many of them love to create the barbie vibe inside their house.

I’m not sure if I’m an adult or not (I’m 19) but I love barbie and barbie decoration. while I was looking at the barbie bedrooms I saw so many beautiful pictures of barbie birthday’s theme that makes me want to attend one!

why barbie decoration?

it’s cute, fancy (in a cute way) and stylish. when you talk about barbie, it’s hard to not think of skin-care, fitness, and confidence.

barbies are also known as princesses so having a barbie decoration is kind of living like a princess in a modern world. (YES PLEASE!)

besides that, barbie decoration has a strong connection with pink and pink is one of the amazing colors for bedrooms that helps you to create a relaxing and romantic mood in your room.

Color pallet:

before jumping to the decoration ideas, let’s talk about the color pallet.

when it comes to decoration, a color pallet is more important than all the furniture because if you don’t choose the right color when you are buying furniture, you are making a big mistake in your decoration game.

let’s take a look at these barbie pictures and guess what is their color pallet.

set of barbie pictures together
a screen shot of some barbie wallpapers

the main color is pink! however, you can also see so many pastel colors beside it.

always remember, for creating a beautiful decoration you need contract colors.

now that we know our main color is pink, we don’t want to create a room filled with PINK! it’s just overusing it. let’s take another look at the pictures, oh… we have blue too.

we can go for blue, purple, pink and white.

let me give you a piece of advice. try to pick your colors pastel.

using light and pastel colors makes your room seems bigger. it’s also easier to stare at a lighter room than a dark room.

another tip is to use white and pink a little more than the other colors. it’s a barbie room after all.

and here’s my last tip for this part. use some gold too but not too much. enough as a crown in your room. I’ll give you suggestions about where you can put these gold colors in the next part.

alright! let’s start decorating!

I took a look at barbie rooms and furniture to see what furniture can bring the barbie vibe to the room. I found some good things that you can use.
here is the first one:

Ps. I found this pictures on Amazon to show you what I mean. I do not own any of these pictures.

Bed curtains:

by seeing bed curtains in most of the barbie and princess animations, I always loved to have one. choosing a white and light pink bed curtain can make your room seem much cuter and more barbie like.

there are customized pipes for attaching the bed curtain that you can find in most of the stores.

Plush shaggy bedding:

just look at this plush bedding! light pink bedding can make you feel like a barbie princess. It’s also super warm and comfy and it’s amazing for a fancy room.

LED lights:

at first, I couldn’t think of LED lights for a barbie dream room but after seeing inspiration on the Internet I was shocked. LED lights are IN these days. bedroom decoration is mostly filled with LED lights because it gives such an aesthetic vibe to your bedroom. you can look at it as stars in your lovely barbie room.

shaggy faux chair:

it looks amazing with the bedding. as I said these plush and shaggy fabrics feel so comfy. if you can’t find one or you don’t want to pay for a new one, then you can DIY it. I’ll post the DIY in this blog very soon so stay tuned!

glitter wall paint:

these kinds of colors used to be so famous in Iran’s decoration and painting and I always loved seeing them because they are shiny and glittery. when I saw it in one of the decorations of the bedrooms I was like “OF COURSE!”

there is no such thing as glittery paint but there is paint glitters that you can buy and add to your favorite color. I recommend white wall with glitter and light pink wall paint without. combine the glitter and the color and color one of the wall. making this kind of contract will bring excitement to your room and reduce creating a boring room.

I used the contract in my bedroom wall by one black and 3 white wallpapers. my family was so sad with my decision but after the room was ready, they fell in love with my room.

it’s not only about the wall. using contracts in decoration can keep the attention to itself.

sheer curtains:

why using so many lamps and bulbs when you can use natural light?
sheer curtains make such a light mood in the room and allow sunlight walks in your room every morning. sunlight can make a much happier mood in your life.

full-length mirror:

have you seen those parts of the barbie animations that they dress up and stand in front of a full-length mirror?

full-length mirrors are useful in so many ways and one of them is that it make the room looks bigger.

the other reason is that you can use it to choose your outfits much easier because you are seeing yourself fully.

try to find and pick a mirror that goes well with your decoration. white would be better for your mirror but if you want to try a light pink, then go for it.

I saw jewelry full-length mirrors and I fell in love with them. as you might know, I never have enough space for my stuff so an extra space hidden in the furniture can always be welcomed. give it a shot.

fluffy carpet:

I suggested the plush bedding and chair. I’m sure you could guess that I’m going to suggest a fluffy carpet too! I believe this kind of carpet is so fancy and cute. it’s also super comfy which is catching two aims with one shot.
pick light pink carpets for your room. the size of the carpet depends on your room and your preferences.

however, you can also try full carpeting your room and then add a small fluff carpet to the decoration. don’t forget about the CONTRACT!

mirror lights:

they are also known as Hollywood mirror lights.

barbie is famous. you have seen it in barbie dream house series too. these Hollywood mirror lights are amazing for a barbie bedroom decoration. you can buy a table for your makeup and skincare products too and spend some fancy time taking care of your skin. (we can’t forget about skin-care and self-care right?)

neon lights:

last but not least, we have neon lights. I’m sure you have seen these neon light boards that have beautiful calligraphy. if you could find one with the word “Barbie” then GO for it! but if you couldn’t then you can still pick other pink styles. they are all amazing for a barbie decoration.

DIY it:

as long as you can DIY your old furniture, don’t pay extra money for new ones. paint is your best friend. you can save so much money by coloring your furniture instead of buying a new one. use fabrics and sew things if you can.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I could give you good ideas for your barbie bedroom. even if you don’t want to go for a barbie bedroom, you can still use these bedroom inspirations for your room.

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Book review: The Muse by Jessie Burton

Reading The Muse by Jessie Burton was enjoyable enough that made me write a review for it immediately!

Book review: The Muse

I just finished The Muse by Jessie Burton, and I’m so happy that I’ve started to read this book. through reading it, The Muse gave me some summer vibe so that I might recommend it as a summer book.

From the first chapter of this book, I realized that I would enjoy it, and I was not wrong. The combination of mystery, old Spain, and England vibe besides so many things to learn from it was quite satisfying.

The summary:

book review
the muse by jessie burton
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The book has 2 parts. One happens in 1967, and the other one happened in 1936. though they are both telling different stories, you can find the connection between them. Both stories reveal secrets one by one. Which means it’s not like that you would only find the secrets in 1936 or 1967. On any page, you should be ready for everything to reveal, and the secret would be gone.

Odelle Bastien is a girl from Caribbean seas that decides to find her future in London. She moves to Spain with her best friend, Cynth. However, at the beginning of the story, Cynth is about to marry the love of her life. Though they both used to work at a shoe shop but finally, after so much searching, Odelle was able to find a job in Skelton institute as a typist. Later on Cynth’s wedding party, she met her lover, who is Lawrie, and with that, she found a painting that changed her life forever.

On the other part of the story that happens in 1936, there is a girl named Olive, who loves painting and fell in love with a man named Issac. These people’s lives connect through numerous secrets that was made through the whole story, and most of them get solved until the end of it.

Let’s get into emotion stuff!

I don’t want to spoil the whole story because I believe you should read it yourself, but let me talk more about my emotions in this book.

I love how you can get hints about characters with tiny details in each chapter. It makes you spend more time knowing characters than focusing on the story or events. Even though 5 percent of the ending was predictable to me, I had so many different emotions when I finished this book.

The ending was satisfying and, at the same time, was making me cry. I’m not sure If I loved the ending or not, but for sure, I didn’t hate it. The author didn’t forget about the characters throughout the story.

The fact that the author decided to focus on each fact, one by one, was good as well. It was better than going through so many different hints in the story. it made it less confusing, and I could feel the detective inside of me was awake the whole time.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to finish The Muse by Jessie Burton on a short among of time, but if I had, I’m sure I could finish it in one go.

The story was not slow at all. It wasn’t confusing, and it was not unrealistic. The emotion between characters was easy to recognize, and I could feel them. I didn’t become angry about any character because each one of them did correctly describe their desire and reasons to take those maybe stupid decisions so I could kind of understand them.

The descriptions, sentences were not too hard to understand, and at the same time, they had some excellent artistic combination, and I love that.

One of the things that are important for me in reading a book is the emotions that the book wakes inside of me. So I give it the star.

It’s time for star rating!

Now let’s count and see how many stars I would give to this book.

I always give:

1 star for the story.

1 star for the writing skill.

1 star for characters.

1 star for connection on my feelings.

1 star for waking up my imagination.

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

I’ll give the first star to this book for sure! I loved the mystery of the story, and I loved following it, and I was dying to finish the book to see what is going on.

I give the second star as well. I enjoyed the author’s writing skills, and I already explained how in artistic ways she could describe things. I enjoyed reading her work and definitely I’m going to read more work by her.

I give the third star because I told you how the development and describing the characters was my favorite.

The book also gets the fourth star. it connected to my heart and my feelings more naturally than I expected, and I could understand each character by heart even though their situation or story was not related to me at all, and I couldn’t relate.

But the fifth star, I’m afraid I won’t give it to the book. Though I loved the story, It couldn’t make me use my imagination after each time that I closed the book, maybe because it was a story filled with facts or because of its ending. I’m not sure, but each time that I closed the book, the story for me was closed as well. until the next time that I would open the book again.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

So I give 4 out of 5 stars to this book, and I’m so happy about reading it. I recommend it, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Have you read this book?

Are you planning to read this book?

What is your opinion about this book?

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I love you all and hope to see you soon.

love love!


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